Monday, May 24, 2010


The pain of separation, death provides, is imprinted forever.....In places where love shines in full ,its intensity deepens....
When your heart hold someone ,deeply preserved , alive in memories, the very thought unleashes the held up feelings...,as they pour out ravenously, the love drops that utter from your eyes bear the testimony of how special the person was in your life or still is......
   here goes an extract ..soaked in the salty tears ,which began their flow when my eyes failed  to see him..
                  'Aroma' is unique ,the way it ignites the chain of memories, evoking  nostalgia,to capture images hidden in brain relating to all those events lulled by its wondrous smell.....
            The neem leaves and the never ending ayurvedic home remedies brings out the white attired mundu man into my first  best friend , my guide, my playmate , my trustee ...clubbing up ...MY ACHACHAN...(grand father)
       Smile was never a gesture for him but was his nature ...his eyes could always read my thoughts , my pranks ..never did i tell him my wants but my loving grandpa did always unravel them...
Perhaps the only person who bore me with all my adamantness,all the naughtiness and my great silly tales.....
the years i had his company were limited ,but the bounty of time never could keep away the thoughts he  stuffed into my tiny head..., love and care he showered ..
                      Achacha you is linked my train of childhood memories...they revolve around you ..your words made my world...the tiny little 'synabha' born in to the wonderland of stories were familiar to just you and me....The stocks of chocolate the nearby shop had were only shared between us...The way you would greet me with my favorite chocolates in your hands,making me jump in to those safe arms from the school bus ...all lay fresh in my mind like things of yesterday..but the fact that they are 12 years old shudders me...
                          you always had the miraculous power to fix my" big worries"....
whenever i had troubles letting my ideas conveyed to my parents you helped me out , like a mentor you corrected my flaws with no talking sticks but with love dipped ways...perhaps that is the reason, for the word love, to bring me your face  first, the face i wish would again wink to me...would speak to me , comeback to me....
    In those evenings, when the little me used to enquire about amma's return from used to cast a "magic spell" and would ask my tiny eyes to scan at the end of the long put out steps..then i would site her Saree and jump with the pleasure of having  amused by your as i stand there and say those magic words ..will you come up those steps...back to to my life,,,forever and ever...WILL U??????

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