Wednesday, October 26, 2011

ITS movie tym!!!!

Those days when watching movies leaves an imprint in ones heart are vanishing..,now it's a mix of drama,"comedy",action tightly packed and coated with the flavoured spices to attract the masses and den the movie is forced to "run housefull"....thanks to the flux, the multiple tv shows,the radio jockeys and all those tickets they give as "gifts and prizes" the movie  runs...if not housefull....!!.
                       malayalam film industry definitely had a golden period to its credit...when the scriptwritrs,directors and actors competed with their talents to yield wonder those movies and characters still reside within us..any malayalee will find it hard to forget the mohanlal srinivasan movies in 90's, the nagavalli of manichitrathazhu, fazils and sathyananthikad movies....the industry seemed to have travelled a lot from where it stood, though the technological versions have undergone miraculous uplifts,the question of where the quality of the final product stands is indeed a question of debate....
                              lately theater visits are turning to be nightmares, spending money and screwing your three hours. After having a disastrous visit to theater to see chinatown and christian brothers, i promised to myself not to heed to ma friends words and to make ma visits to the theater scarce...but with friends, promises hardly works.. :). i found myself waiting in the queue to watch the new release-
"salt  n pepper"....but this time i went with no expetations and with the newly acquired patience from ma last two theater visits , i settled myself to watch whether " salt n pepper" was sprinkled well or was it going to be just another bad dish churned out...
                                                 the title song itself announces to you about the awaiting feast...perhaps the only film that could set the audience mouth watering within the first few can spot the uniqueness the film has from the way the titles and posters r designed...the film dares to walk out from the traditional attires of malayalam movies...unlike the usual trends ie, a story with lot of twists, many characters,the presence of more than one superstars ,this advent from ashiq abu stands way ahead in the saga of movies and is defently a splendid delicious dish from the team...,the way in wich the story unfolds about a small incident ,the making of joans rainbow cake through which the development of the intimacy thread  between kalidasan and maya  is portrayed ,the varied reasons why cooking remains passion for both of them,the humor that is brought forth through baburaj's character and the apt mix of asif alis and mythilis scenes all announces to you that the dish which is being "cooked" is splendid enough to be gobbled happily..
the story line is simple, perhaps that is what it makes it all the more special.each frame is perfect to the core and its hats off to ashiq abu and his crew for their painstaking efforts ... and after those past tragic theater stories " salt n pepper" definitely brought back the mood ..and yes !!! we have promising talents around!!! :)

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